Create New Program

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Create New Program

The Create New Program Sidebar can be accessed from a number of locations:

  1. From the Create button:
    1. Click on on the navigation bar.
    2. Click on .
    3. The Create New Program sidebar is displayed.
  1. From the Programs page:
    1. Click on Create Icon.
    2. The Create New Program sidebar is displayed.
  1. From a Project’s page:
    1. When a project is not linked to a program the Add Program link is displayed.
    2. Click on Add Program.
    3. The Add program sidebar is displayed.
    4. Click on Create a Program.
    5. The Create New Program sidebar is displayed.
  1. From the Create New Project’s sidebar:
    1. When creating a new project, click on the link Create a Program.
    2. The Create New Program sidebar is displayed.

Create New Program Sidebar

  1. Complete the form.
  2. Click on Create.
  3. The new program is created.

See our User Guides for interactive steps on creating a new program.

Form Fields

Basic Details

  • Name (required): Enter the name of the new program.
  • Description: A description of the program.
  • Status: The status of the program.
  • Projects: Existing projects linked to the program.

Try our in-app user guides for faster onboarding.

Launching User Guide
  1. Click your user icon.
  2. In the side pane, click User Guides.
  3. Select a topic.
  4. Become a Jedi Master.